• 為什麼只選用冷壓初榨?


    Somuch 冷壓初榨酪梨油,選用新鮮酪梨原汁。使用物理方法去除水份與果渣,萃取了第一道冷壓酪梨油。整個生產過程不使用化學工業製成。比起一般賣場的精煉酪梨油,含有更多的酪梨營養成份。Somuch 全系列產品,不管是蒜香酪梨油或是油醋醬,都是使用最高等級的冷壓初榨酪梨油調配而成。是您與最愛的家人必備的好油。



    Put simply, extra virgin avocado oil is 100% natural oil derived from cold pressing fresh avocados. It is the only cooking oil produced without the use of chemical solvents or industrial refining.  It contains more health-promoting properties than any other grade of oil.  Our full product range contains cold pressed extra virgin avocado oil.  This oil is a must have for you and your family.


  • 蒜香酪梨油



    Garlic Avocado Oil


    Garlic infused avocado oil is the most popular kitchen oil in Asia. Without the use of additives, it is highly nutritious and is made using 100% fresh cold pressed avocado oil and garlic oil. With the perfect blend of avocado and a hint of garlic, this garlic infused avocado oil is a perfect choice for your family's kitchen!


  • 酪梨油醋醬



    Avocado Balsamic Dressing


    Now you can also enjoy Natural Avocado Balsamic Dressing - a blend of Extra Virgin Avocado Oil with premium balsamic vinegar and precious spices. It is not only delicious, but also a healthy dressing for a wide range of different dishes.